Main Cover Images
1. Medium Long shot of a girl (artist) – wearing a casual band tee, eyeliner.
2. Long Shot, Low angle on 3 /4 people, band like. Looking down at the camera. One person holding a guitar in the back, another in the front holding a mic, the other holding drum sticks.
3. Medium long shot, person ‘shouting’ at the camera. Their hands in the way, see their faces through their hands
4. Low angle with the artist crouching down at the camera, smiling.
Main Cover Lines
1. ‘_____________’ LIVE
2. ‘_____________’ Back on top
3. Blitz Kids Backstage War
4. We Predict a riot! – link with “riot” title
Contents Images
1. Live band images (small)
2. Image of new albums that are being released
3. Image from cover – main story
Contents Text
1. Font- simple block text, easy to read
2. Colours – red/orange, black and white
3. Highlighting on page numbers
4. Contents listed either down the side or along the bottom
Double Page Spread Images
1. Main image of a live performance
2. Artist smiling at camera, shot through a medium long shot. They could be wearing skinny jeans, vest top and converse. – shows a fun side of the artist.
3. Band/Artist sitting/slouching on a chair. Shot through a low angle, medium long shot – could represent attitude
4. Long shot of band casually walking through a field. Main artist looking at the camera, one looking off camera and another looking down. Black and white image. Could also be a Dutch angle.
5. Medium Close up of the main artist looking away from the camera(almost looking behind) whilst the rest of the band are behind(quite far away) and slightly out of focus. – could represent a ‘break up’ story.
Text/Font Style
1. Text placed along the bottom – simple block font. First letter will be in a different colour/font and will be bigger.
2. Black background with white text. Red text for more important quotes and 1st letters.
3. Text in top right hand corner. Contrasting colour to the background. Should be a text that’ll suit the theme of the story.
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